Together, we can 

Empower Refugees
and Migrants

Supporting migrants and refugees for a brighter, more inclusive future
Who we are

Uplifting Lives Through Rights
Across Borders

At Rights Across Borders, our commitment is simple yet profound: to champion the rights of migrants, refugees, and vulnerable populations. With unwavering dedication, we empower individuals, advocate for justice, and strive to create a world where everyone’s rights are protected, regardless of their circumstances.

Legal Empowerment
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27 September, 2023

The Pan-American Highway offers a continuous road connecting the Americas. However, it encounters a single…

20 September, 2023

In recent years, Venezuela has been gripped by a severe humanitarian crisis, leading to one of the largest…

17 september, 2023

Nicaragua, a Central American nation rich in history and culture, has found itself at a crossroads in recent years…

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