A few words

Who We Are


Advocating for the Rights of Refugees and Migrants

At Rights Across Borders, we stand as staunch advocates for the rights of refugees and migrants, dedicated to fostering a world where everyone, regardless of their origin, can live in safety, dignity, and opportunity. Rooted in compassion and driven by the urgency of the global migration crisis, our NGO is a beacon of hope for those seeking refuge and a better life.

Our mission goes beyond geographical boundaries; we tirelessly work to uphold the fundamental principles of human rights, offering unwavering support to vulnerable communities forced to flee their homes due to conflict, persecution, or economic hardships. With a deep understanding of the unique challenges refugees and migrants face, we provide comprehensive assistance, empowering them with legal knowledge, humanitarian aid, and economic opportunities.

Through strategic partnerships, impactful advocacy, and community engagement, we strive to create a world where every displaced person is welcomed, protected, and given the chance to rebuild their lives. By amplifying their voices, we challenge systemic injustices and work towards a more inclusive society. Rights Across Borders embodies the spirit of unity, empathy, and resilience, ensuring that the rights of refugees and migrants are not just protected on paper but are a living reality, promoting a future where every individual can flourish, irrespective of their origin or circumstance.

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Join us in making a difference. Support our mission to protect migrant and refugee rights, offer hope, and create a more inclusive world

Where we work

Rights Across Borders collaborates with local communities

Rights Across Borders is an organization deeply committed to supporting refugees, migrants, and vulnerable populations throughout Costa Rica. They provide comprehensive legal aid, guidance, and representation to individuals facing displacement and migration challenges. This includes assisting with complex procedures, ensuring an understanding of rights, and seeking protection.

The organization extends its impact to the capital city, San José, where it operates legal aid clinics. Here, they offer vital legal representation and guidance to those in need. Through strategic litigation and advocacy, Rights Across Borders aims to create a more inclusive and rights-based environment for refugees, migrants, and other vulnerable populations. Collaborating with local communities, government agencies, and other stakeholders, they promote social integration, access to education, employment opportunities, and overall well-being.Put

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